Who Owns The Internet |You Are The Owner OF Internet Do You Know ?

Ravi Sharma
1 min readAug 16, 2020


The Short Answer Is No One And Everyone Which Sounds Paradoxical.

Let Me Explain. No Single Person Or Organisation Controls The Internet In Its Entirety. Like The Global Telephone Network, No One Individual, Company Or Government Can lay Claim To The Whole Thing. However, Lots Of Individuals, Companies, And Governments Own Certain Bits Of It.

Every Telephone Pole, Cable, Satellite, Router, Etc. Is Owned By Someone. But Alone They’re Essentially Useless It’s Only When They’re Connected That They Form Internet. In This Way, The Internet Is More Of A Concept Than A Physical Entity. Though people Own The Infrastructure Is Constantly Changing.

It’s Hard To Own A Concept. Copyright Only Applies To Work That Is Fixed In Tangible Form (Such As Written Documents, Musical Recordings, And So On). And, Though Patents Protect Specific Ideas Not Just Expression Of Them They Are Not Suitable For Broad Concepts. Internet Is a Very Broad Concept.

As Such, Internet Isn’t Owned By Anyone. Its Owner Is Humanity Itself. Which Means That You Own Internet As Much Anyone Else.

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Ravi Sharma

Hello to all, I'm Full Stack Web Developer